~Social Security Disability~
Claims before law security administration (SSA) can be complex, confusing and lengthy.
Suffering from a debilitating impairment and unable to work?
Don’t put yourself or your family at risk, contact us, Vijay “Jay” Deshpande Attorney-at-Law
to ensure that you have a law firm to fight for you. We are on your side.
We take care of all aspects applying for Social Security Disability or Social Security Income.
In both cases, one must be able to prove that they are not able to work for a period, not less than, one year, or that one may die due to the condition.
There are two kinds of social security disability claims. First one does not require any income requirement. The second kind is based upon length of employment and past income.
The process to acquire social security disability status, thus getting money from the SSA requires application to the SSA. Most applications are denied. It is good to have an Attorney before you apply. My office give free initial consultation to determine chances of getting approved, will take the phone appointment for the initial application with your local Social Security office with in your geographical area. Lawyer Jay will inform what info and documents you will need for the initial application. Lawyer jay will go over the info and answers before the phone interview with Social Security. Lawyer Jay will attend the interview on three way phone call with Claimant/applicant and Social Security official. Many applications are denied at the initial level.
Next Step is to argue to SSA for reconsideration of application. Most of the request for reconsideration are also denied.
Next step is to appeal the decision to the administration judge in a hearing.
If the claim is denied at the hearing level, an appeal can be made to SSA.
If the appeal is denied, the matter can be pursued in the federal district courts.
A representation by an attorney who has knowledge and experience is very crucial.
Contact us today to learn more about the process and how we can help you through it.
Member of National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives (NOSSCR).